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National Council


Applying For citizenship 

There are four significant aspects to the application process, all of which need to be completed in order to be granted citizenship.  All aspects of the process are completed online by creating an email package called your

                            "Lnug Citizenship Application submission"

      These steps include:
1. Clarity of genealogy -  The point of which is to establish the accuracy of the claim to Lnug genealogical Heritage.

2. Citizenship Application - The point of which is to ascertain who exactly is entitled to the benefits of Lnug citizenship.  This information is share with no entities beyond the Lnug governance and is completely confidential.

3. Financial Submission - This is the monthly contribution to the LNC which makes the Lnug Apajiag possible for this generation and the following seven.

4. Oral Composition - This portion is to demonstrate both a basic understanding of the Lnuismk language and commitment to the perpetuation of Lnug culture.  The completion of the oath seals the familial bond started by this application process. 

Who Can Apply for Lnug Citizenship?

Lnug citizenship is not racial, but it is ethnic based.  This means that only people with Lnug lineage or those in an active Lnug legally recognized marriage are eligible for citizenship. 

A person can be accepted into the Lnug nation gaining Lnug citizenship if they hail from a region & time in which the Lnug diaspora is known to have significant or exclusive standing including from the following nations or nation-states:  Abenaki, Barbados, Beothuk, Cape Verde, Innu, Jamaica, Maliseet, Métis, Mi'kmaq, Peskotomahkati, Pαnawάhpskewi, Sierra Leone, U.S. state of Louisiana creole. 
In order for their claim to be recognized they must have traced their lineage to before the year 1900 in an unbroken line of genealogy and have strong reason to believe that their heritage extends to a Lnug body of stock.  Given our often distorted and heavily assimilated history we understand it may not be possible to be one hundred percent conclusive with these results though the attempt and body of evidence will be the deciding point in this case by case process of determination. 





Registering A Dependant


Compose & Submit Genealogy
  1. Double click the above "Compose & Submit Genealogy" icon.  This will open a new window in which will allow you to build a private genealogical family tree.
  2. Complete your family tree pertaining to the earliest known Lnug ancestor(s). Be sure to include the date of birth and place of birth for all relevant ancestors to your line. Be sure this line tracks at least as far back as 1899.
  3.  Once this is complete, go to the bottom of the middle of the screen and click on the share button.
  4. In the bottom left hand corner click on create link
  5. Using the right click, copy the link and add it to a new email entitled "Lnug Citizenship Application submission" and label it with your name and the term "Genealogical submission" 
  1. First double click the "Complete Lnug Citizenship Application" (2nd) option. 
  2. Then print off a copy of the application.
  3. Complete the Application to the best of your ability.
  4. Save the contents as a PDF file.
  5. Add the PDF file to your "Lnug Citizenship Application Submission" email
Complete Monthly submission 
  1. First double click the "Complete Monthly Submission" (3rd) option. 
  2. Choose your banking institution.
  3. Follow the applicable instructions for your particular banking institution and make a ($7) seven dollar monthly reoccurring submission to the "", be sure that you include in the message for whom the submission applies.
  4. Ensure that you receive a response email within 24 hours confirming receipt of your deposit.  If you do not receive an email confirming receipt cancel the transaction immediately.
  5. Add the account number from which we should receive your deposit to your  "Lnug Citizenship Application Submission" email.
Schedule Language Exam
& Oath Swearing in 
  1.   Choose an appropriate date and time which is at least 2 "", be sure that you include in the message for whom the submission applies.
  2. Ensure that you receive a response email within 24 hours confirming receipt of your deposit.  If you do not receive an email confirming receipt cancel the transaction immediately.
  3. Add the account number from which we should receive your deposit to your  "Lnug Citizenship Application Submission" email.

Renew Duties to the Nation

The current rate due for duties is seven dollars per citizen. This is due every Lnug calendar month, in order to retain citizenship and be eligible for benefits.  A Lnug calendar month is once every 28 days.  It is also only seven dollars for the sum of all dependants within the care of a Lnug citizen.  All payments are accepted through email money transfer sent to:


  1. Log in to EasyWeb. 

  2. Register for Interac e-Transfer. Select "Interac e-Transfer®" from the left menu. Register by providing your name and email address.

  3. Add a Recipient. Get the email address of the recipient and make sure they have a personal bank account at a participating Canadian financial institution1. Then, follow the instructions to add a recipient.  

  4. Send Money. Follow the steps to send money. The recipient will receive an email notification that the money is ready to be deposited into their bank account, or if they've set up Autodeposit, that the money has been deposited. You will receive an email notification once the deposit is complete. The fee to send an Interac e-Transfer from a personal account is $0.502 for each transfer of up to $100, and $1.002 for each transfer of over $100. The fee to send an Interac e-Transfer from a business account is $1.502. It’s free3 to receive and deposit an Interac e-Transfer online through a participating Canadian financial institution.


  1. From your Accounts Summary page, the Quick Payments & Transfers box, select the account you want to send money from.

  2. Choose INTERAC e-Transfer in the To drop down menu.

  3. Enter the dollar amount you want to send in the Amount field.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. Review the terms and conditions & click Continue.


  1. Sign on. to Online Banking or the Mobile Banking App.

  2. Select “Interac e-Transfer”.

  3. Choose a contact.

  4. Enter amount and account.

  5. Enter a question and answer.

  6. Note: If your contact is registered for Autodeposit from Interac e-Transfer, you won't be asked to enter a question and answer.

  7. Review details and send.


  1. Select    Create Interac e-Transfer    from    the    Account Transfer    menu    under    the    Payments & Receivables    tab.

  2. ​Choose    the    account    to    transfer    money    from,    the    recipient    email    to    send    the    e-Transfer    to,    and    enter    the    amount. The first time you send an e-Transfer, select Add/Manage Recipients in the Recipient field to add a recipient. Recipients can be added, modified, or deleted through this option going forward.

  3. Online Banking for Business Once    you    have    completed    the    required    fields,    select    Verify Details    to    review        the    information.

  4. Select    Finish    to    send    the    e-Transfer.    A    SecurID    is    required    on    final    approval    of    the    e-Transfer    –    if    no    additional    approvals    are    required,    you    will    be    prompted    to    enter    your    Passcode. The    transfer    will    be    processed    on    the    processing    date    you    indicated.        If    you    select    today’s    date,    the    transfer    will    be    sent    immediately.

Email money transfers are a quick and easy way to send money to an individual or some businesses.  To use it, both the sender and recipient must have a Canadian bank account.

Here is how this payment method works.

Send a money transfer in 3 easy steps

To carry out a transfer, you must have a bank account at a participating financial institution with Interac e-Transfer®, and be signed up for online or mobile banking services.

  1. To get started, sign in to your online bank, then click Send money in the left menu.

  2. Select a recipient, or add one by clicking Add a recipient. Then, select Interac e-Transfer® and enter the following information:   the recipient's name, email address or mobile number, delivery method, language of preference and expiration date of your debit card.

  3. Select the account from which you want to make the transfer, then enter the amount to send, the security question and the answer. Validate everything and you're done!

You don’t need to provide the recipient’s banking information. However, don’t forget to share the answer to the security question with them so they can claim their money.

Interac† e-Transfer is a fast and easy way to send, request, and receive money from friends and family. It’s as simple as sending an email. You can send money electronically to anyone with a Canadian bank account from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Before you get started, you’ll need to add a contact. Your contact will be the recipient of the money you send. How to add a contact for Interac† e-Transfer

Wondering how much you can send? How to see your Interac† e-Transfer limit

Need to cancel the transfer you just sent? How to cancel an Interac† e-Transfer

If you need to set up digital banking for the first time, you can do this with our mobile app guide and computer banking guide.

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