National Council
The living Lnuismk Language
Language remains the anthropological foundation of any Nation. When a people's language is no longer actively spoken that nation or people is said to be extinct. Even if remnant members remain alive, those individuals are often claimed by, or absorbed into a nation with an active language base (example the Beothuk into the Lnug).
As a result it is imperative for our nation to revive, and reclaim our native tongue of Lnuismk. The vast majority of Lnug speak English as their primarily language as most other speak French. It is no easy feet for the English speaking tongue to wrap its way around Lnuismk. Fortunately we have afforded our nation's members a number of tools to reclaim their language.
Additionally a basic grasp of the language is a prerequisite for citizenship requiring knowledge of at least 20 words or phrases to be expressed correctly in common conversation.
Language Learning Tools
Videos by Captive Expression
Site by Creative Commons
Application by Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey
The above private entities are in no way affiliated with the PLNC. They in no way sponsor nor support the PLNC. They are entirely independent and their presence above is an independent promotion of their efforts for educational purposes alone.
As Lnuismk has yet to be canonized into a single official spelling in latin characters and likewise has several spoken and written dialects you may find multiple variations or versions of spelling. What matters is comprehension and an approximate articulation.